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Den Leaders:  
Dr. David Andersonanimated_e-mail.gif (15503 bytes)561 793-1798

Dear Bear Scout parents,

It’s time for another exciting year of scouting!  I am writing this letter to inform you of den and Pack meetings and other odds and ends.  I have enjoyed the past couple years helping organize this group.  We are getting a little more serious this year about parental participation.  It is essential to becoming a WEBELOS at the end of the year.  If you have ideas for trips instead of meetings at the school, please let me know and we will try to make it work.

First, we will be meeting on Wednesday afternoons this year from 3:30- 4:30 p.m. at the Rosarian cafeteria.  Meetings will be 2x/month.  At times, we may meet off campus, but you will be informed in advance.  The Pack meetings will still be every third Thursday of the month.  We are meeting at both Rosarian and St. Ann’s this year.  So, please make sure you know which school we will be at each month. 

Second, due to scheduling conflicts, Amy will not be able to help at any of our den meetings this year.  As a result, I am in need of at least 1 parent to stay and help at each meeting.  Scouting rules dictate that at least 2 adults need to be on hand for a meeting.  If I don’t have an assistant, there cannot be a meeting.  Please let me know if you can help.  Any and all help will, as always, be appreciated. 

Third, now that we are at the Bear level, things are slightly more structured.  As with wolves, a lot of the achievements are done with you and your scout.  We will do some achievements at the meetings.  The bulk of the work is up to you and your scout.  Everyone needs to get a copy of the Bear Cub Scout book.  On pages 22-23, you will find an explanation of what you must accomplish to earn your Bear badge.  Please take the time to go over that, as well as the different achievements, so that you and your scout know what you need to accomplish this year.

Fourth, as always, we need our scouts to behave during den and Pack meetings.  This means no running, shoving, slapping, hitting, etc.  We want the boys to have fun, but we must have order and above all- SAFETY.  Please remind your boys that while we are assembled as a scout den or pack they are expected to behave in a manner justifying respect and admiration of others.  Going to scout events is not a “free for all” and they must behave accordingly.  If there comes a time when I feel this rule is not being taken seriously, I will resign as the leader and recommend another.

Finally, dues for the first half of the year is $20 per scout.  This money will cover any supplies that we need.  We may or may not need to collect dues for the second half.  The schedule for the first half of the year is listed below.  Please mark on a family calendar for further reference.




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Bear Calendar

Bring book to all den mtgs.
Class A uniforms for All Pack meetings.



6th – den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

21st- Pack mtg. 6:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

27th- den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria


4th- den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

18th- den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

20th-22nd- Family campout TBA


1st- den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

15th- den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

16th- Pack mtg. 6:30p- Rosarian cafeteria- Cake Auction


6th- den mtg. 3:30- 4:30p- Rosarian cafeteria

14th- Pack mtg. 6:30p- St. Ann Auditorium


Special Awards to Work Toward.


Current Activities

Activity 1

Activity Details Here


Activity 2

Activity Details Here

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